The Thomas Political Gifting Assessment
The Thomas Political Gifting Assessment
The rise and fall of political parties, cities, regions, and nations are determined by the identification of political talent, development of that talent, and placement of that talent in an appropriate political seat. The wrong alignment of political talents with the wrong political seat has set back political agendas for thousands of years.
A politician's talent cannot be discovered and fully processed at the time of discovery. Through experience and study, abilities must be developed, and character must be cultivated in order not to sabotage the rise. I have created an assessment system called the Thomas Political Gifting Assessment that identifies the type of gifting, aligns it with the ideal political seat, and equips the candidate for its development.
A system such as this is essential to developing the next generation of political leaders because ignorance, ambition, imitation, and negative control are often the factors that blind political talent and political party bosses to their ability and the optimal political seat for them. If answered authentically and honestly, free of personal corruption, the questions will enable political talent or party bosses to identify the nature, ability, and potential of the political gifting.
Our political assessment tool is available exclusively for our clients.
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